
Very excited! Flamingo light-sheet microscope to be built in our lab this summer (fingers crossed). More details and videos to come!

Two-photon time lapse of blood flow showing rolling white blood cells and green leukemic cells, with a dextran background.

Courtesy of Dr. Nadia Carlesso's lab, preparation by Christina Abundis.

Using Micro-Manager and Pycro-Manager

Microscopy is a way of observing objects that we cannot see with our eyes - sometimes these objects are amazingly small (MINFLUX has obtained ~2nm resolution), while other times we use them to record time lapse data at framerates where even if we observed the data, we could not make sense of it except by reviewing the recordings multiple times. Various modalities allow everything from 3D live imaging of whole cell volumes for indefinite amounts of time through holography, to the use of small self assembling hollow structures for ultrasound microscopy, to standard light based brightfield and fluorescent microscopes! And even more standard microscopy can be used creatively to look at the lifetime of fluorescent molecules rather than simply the location of their emission, or pulse lasers such that the arrival time of multiple photons simultaneously results in the production of shorter wavelength photons from second and third harmonic generation. All of these tools generate increasing amounts of high resolution data that give something many other methods lack: spatial and temporal relationships.

To learn more about the PycroManager, read this article in Nature Methods:

More Coming Soon!

It is getting close to Flamingo time!